Dairy Goats:
Lily is a quality nubian cross at three years old. She will be producing milk through December. Her production data, medical testing and lab samples are available. She has freshened twice with healthy kids and process. Her genetic lines include a sire who was registered Nubian and dam was Toggenberg /Saanan cross. Asking price is $400.00. We are willing to sell her baby Jill with her as a companion.

We are seeking a safe place for our other two nanny goats to finish the milking season until January 2024. Ophelia (7) and Gracie (10)will need to be milked twice a day, as their babies will be weaned by September. It is our desire to provide these two goats with a retirement plan. We are searching for owners who could care for them, either temporarily through January 10, 2024 or provide them with a sanctuary space.

Baby Goats:
Two doelings (3 months old) available for sale at $150.00 each. Jill and Gigi are almost three months old and are ready for a good home.
We work hard to maintain our animals healthy with good food, living conditions and careful animal husbandry. It is our heart that they receive care by new owners. Please contact us at [email protected] if interested in our herd.